CZECH  ENGLISH Česká Händelova společnost / The Czech Handel Society
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Ascent of Říp
14 December 2024
Minutes from meeting
16 November 2024
Pavel Polka
‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’
First Electronic Edition
‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’
Second Edition
Jubilee Publication
‘ČHäS 1990–2020’
A Bust of Handel
by Sculptor Petr Novák
WebArchiv - Archive of the Czech Web

The Second, Revised and Expanded, Edition of Pavel Polka’s Handel Monograph ‘Triumf času a pravdy’ (‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’)

By the second, revised and expanded, edition of Pavel Polka’s Handel monograph ‘Triumf času a pravdy’ (‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’) – 626 text pages inclusive of 123 pages of the pictorial section (220 black-and-white illustrations) – the highest point has been reached in the hitherto publishing activities of the Czech Handel Society as for the quality of typography and binding. Not for sale, the book in the B5 format (176 × 250 mm) was successively delivered on 14 September 2021 (20 copies) and on 4 October 2021 (218 copies), thus numbering 238 copies altogether. The print & binding costs, invoiced by the printing company ‘powerprint s.r.o.’, based at Prague 6 – Suchdol, were defrayed by the author of the monograph. The aforesaid company has done an admirably perfect piece of work, contributing conclusively to an exceptional attractivity of the book, printed on chalk coated paper, weighing nearly two kilograms. A no less admirable, truly heroic achievement was demonstrated by Mr Jan Kučera from Kladno – not only did he compose the text (including the music examples), but he also digitally remastered all the 210 illustrations by means of the original photographs from the first edition of the book. It was the graphic artist Libor Hofman from Úholičky, an eminent member of the Czech Handel Society, who set a characteristic seal of his creative invention to the boards and the frontispiece of the monograph.