CZECH  ENGLISH Česká Händelova společnost / The Czech Handel Society
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Ascent of Říp
14 December 2024
Minutes from meeting
16 November 2024
Pavel Polka
‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’
First Electronic Edition
‘The Triumph of Time and Truth’
Second Edition
Jubilee Publication
‘ČHäS 1990–2020’
A Bust of Handel
by Sculptor Petr Novák
WebArchiv - Archive of the Czech Web

Jubilee Publication ‘The Czech Handel Society 1990–2020’

On 6 December 2019, there came out a jubilee publication, ‘Česká Händelova společnost 1990–2020’ (‘The Czech Handel Society 1990–2020’), by Pavel Polka. The Committee of the Society wishes to thank again all those who have ensured the book’s production – either in the form of technical help or by providing a donation.
The title, measuring 210 × 140 × 10 mm, consists of 144 pages and a cover with two flaps. The number of illustrations (including the flaps) amounts to 77, of which 68 ones are in colour and 9 in black-and-white. Readers who possess no command of the Czech language will easily become versed in the book by means of a detailed English summary.
The jubilee publication ‘The Czech Handel Society 1990–2020’ is not marketable. Those interested in obtaining it are requested to write to ‘’, or call +420–737189747 – they shall receive a free copy at the address of the Czech Handel Society, or by post against prior payment of postal fees.

Pave Polka: jubilee publication ‘The Czech Handel Society 1990–2020’. Front cover.


Pave Polka: jubilee publication ‘The Czech Handel Society 1990–2020’. Back cover.