CZECH  ENGLISH Česká Händelova společnost / The Czech Handel Society
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I. George Frideric
II. Aims
of the Society
III. Publications
IV. Concerts
& Lectures
V. Projects
VI. Foreign
VII. Travel
VIII. Future Events
IX. Contacts
X. Special Offer
XI. Web Links
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II. The Foundation and Aims of the Czech Handel Society

Who was that Handel who moves us so deeply by his works that after a concert his melodies sound long in our memory?
Josef Kolářský, 1938.

The founding members of the Czech Handel Society.

The Czech Handel Society was founded in Prague on 28 March 1990 by a group of young people as a voluntary and independent special-interest association which aspires to as wide a propagation as possible of the work of the composer George Frideric Handel (1685-1759). In keeping with the latest scientific knowledge and in the spirit of humanism, it acquaints the culturally-minded public with Handel's life, work and heritage. In broader outline it is concerned with further creative activities of baroque Europe. Members of the Society are not only citizens of the Czech Republic, but also distinguished foreign personalities.

Within the scope of its activities, the Czech Handel Society promotes both live and recorded performances of Handel's compositions, especially operas and oratorios; supports Handel research, as well as publication activities and arts; puts on concerts, programmes of recorded music and specialized lectures; contributes to a positive development of the Handel renaissance both in the Czech Republic and abroad; in relation to Handel, focuses its attention on his contemporaries to gain a wider view; concerns itself with artistic and historical events in Europe of the 17th and 18th centuries; takes exceptional note of the direct and indirect connections between Handel's personality and work, and the Czech Lands; collaborates with eminent scholars and with kindred societies both in its home country and abroad; encourages the participation of its members in festivals, seminars and conferences; undertakes thematic local and foreign tours in search of Handel's life and work.